Voice Recognition Software
E - Speaking
A comprehensive voice and speech recognition program to use your voice for command & control of your computer and dictation. Reduce or eliminate mouse clicks or keyboard input. Open Web sites, documents, or programs using your voice. Perform navigation and editing functions simply by speaking. Dictate letters, memos, and email messages. Begin talking to your PC now using your voice. Hear your computer read emails, documents, and memos to you. Version 3.5.28 features minor updates to handling of messages.
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TextSpeech PRO
TextSpeech Pro is professional text to speech software that reads typed text documents (PDF, MS Word), Web pages, and Outlook e-mails aloud. It can convert documents to speech audio files. It optionally comes with AT&T Natural Voices, the world's best text-to-speech technology. It supports document bookmarks and copied text-speech integration. The new features are as follows: optional AT&T Natural Voices, an integrated Web browser for reading Web pages straight from the Internet, an integrated Microsoft Outlook e-mail extractor for reading e-mails straight from TextSpeech Pro itself, support for speech bookmarks (speech breaks) to indicate start or/and end of the document excerpt for reading by the software, the ability to remember where the document was last read to and resume on next activation, improved PDF and Microsoft Word file conversion, and an improved user interface. Version 2.2 adds improvements for reading PDF files and MS Outlook e-mails.
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VR Commander
VR Commander is a state of the art voice command and control program that adds a voice interface to virtually any windows based application. Simulate keystrokes, run any file or script, and input text strings of any size into games and applications using voice commands. This technology is so powerful it is used to command and control some of today's most advanced fighter aircraft. Built in noise cancellation technology even allows VR Commander to work with Bluetooth headsets. It's the perfect compliment to VOIP. Version 3.1 adds new templates.
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